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Personal Information:

Journey interested in:
Degree of fitness:
Beginner (Starting out, minimal physical activity. Basic endurance, can handle easy to moderate activity. Limited experience with physical fitness)
Intermediate (Regularly active, moderate endurance. Can handle longer hikes or moderate workouts. Some experience with physical training or trekking)
Advanced (Very active, high endurance. Can handle challenging treks and intense physical activity. Strong fitness background with frequent training)
Elite (Exceptionally fit, peak physical condition. Capable of extreme endurance challenges, such as multi-day treks or marathons. Highly experienced with regular intense training)
Dietary Restriction/Preference


Travel Insurance Information (Can be provided later through Email):

Please Note: Travel insurance is mandatory for trekking in Nepal. Ensure that your policy covers high-altitude trekking and helicopter evacuation in case of medical emergencies. Always bring a copy of your insurance policy with you on the trek, as it may be required by your group leader.


Emergency Contact Information:

Does this person know you are participating in this journey?



I understand that parts of this journey may be physically and emotionally demanding. I know that participating in an adventure event like hikes, treks and climbing is potentially hazardous. I affirm that my health is good, and that I am not under a physician’s care for any undisclosed condition that bears upon my fitness or ability to participate in activities. I recognize the inherent risk of injury or disability in activities. I understand that each participant must assume the risk of physical injury that could result from any of the activities. I understand that as a participant, I may choose not to participate in any of the activities. 

I understand that the program is flexible, and may change due to culture, weather, or any kind of unwanted situations such as the threat of war, civil strikes, acts of terrorism, natural disasters, fire, technical transport problems /or any Acts of God or any delays or expenses incurred as a result. 

Knowing these facts and in consideration of the acceptance of my entry, I hereby for myself, my heirs, executors, government, administrators, anyone over whom I act as guardian or anyone else who might claim on my behalf, covenant not to sue, and waive, release and discharge Lhayul Explorers, their tour leaders, guides and anyone else working in association with the company from all liability for any injury, implied or otherwise, to me from participation in a journey planned by Lhayul Explorers.  

Furthermore, I hereby grant full permission to use my name and likeliness, as well as any photographs, videographs and any record of this event in which I may appear for any legitimate purpose, including advertising and promotion. 

I am at least 18 years old, or my parent or guardian has reviewed the above and consented to my participation. 

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